Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Today I am thankful for so many things. You are one of those things! I've been on this writing journey for a few years now and every year brings new readers with new ideas and insights. Thank you for sharing your time with me and your thoughts with all of our precious readers. You are a blessing in my life.
Today I am thankful for a new president who I believe will listen to the people and care about their lives. During Barack Obama's interview with Barbara Walters last evening he made a point of his discussions and negotiations within his security detail to allow him ways to keep his finger on the pulse of the nation. I think that's amazing and wonderful. We finally have the opportunity for a president who actually believes in the Constitution and all the good our country is and should stand for.
Today I'm thankful for my job. I have the best job in the world. Every day I go in and help really great people care for their companion animals. I spend all day getting doggie kisses and ferret hugs. And, yes, I occasionally get peed on. But what's a little pee between friends, right? I have the opportunity to meet some of the most incredible people who do the most amazing things with the little they have for themselves: rescuers who pick up a dog on the side of the road and pay for vet bills and give the dog a warm bed and good food; ladies on fixed incomes who buy bags and bags of food for the feral cats in their neighborhoods, capturing the cats and having them altered before returning them to their families; owners who care enough about their companions to give them training and learn how to be better dog moms and dog dads; and families who bring their children in and teach them about how to care for their cats or dogs--or fish or ferrets. What an awesome job to have!
Today I'm thankful for my friends. I have many acquaintences, but few real friends. I pick them very carefully. I learned many years ago that a true friend is hard to find. I had a teacher in high school who once told me that if I can go through life with one or two really true friends that I would accomplish more than most people. And her words have proven to be so true. I am blessed beyond measure by the true friends with whom I share my soul.
Today I'm thankful for the Provision of Goddess. No matter what happens (and as I've said before, happenings happen) there is always an undercurrent of support. Bills get paid. Food is on the table. A roof is overhead. And all of the pets in our home (seven dogs and eight cats) all have the best food and care that can be given to them. Goddess reaches into our lives every day and gives what we need. And we even get some of what we want. It's a wonder to see Provision every single day when so many have lack. We're not rich monetarily, but we are loved and cared for by a Goddess who created us and wants us well.
As we move through the harvest into the winter of the year, let's take a moment to remember those people who have affected our lives this year and give thanks. Let's remember those souls, animal and human alike, who have taught us this year's lessons and be thankful. And let us move into the next chapter in our lives with a grateful heart knowing that our needs are met and our daily comings and goings matter to a Goddess who loves us.
Happy Thanksgiving, all...