Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring...New Beginnings

Merry Meet, my friends...

March has definitely come in as a lion. The daytime temperatures are warm and inviting. The cherry blossoms and dogwoods are blooming. In Mobile, we are enjoying the azaleas (Mobile is known as the "Azalea City.").

It's been a short winter, as is usual here, and quite warm. Even though, I've been slow in taking on the daily tasks of life. For some reason, the winter season leaves me lagging. But spring is another story.

As the trees begin to bud and the flowers bloom, there are birds of all kinds in the yard. This year several starlings have taken residence in the rafters of our carport. All is coming to life again. I find myself feeling the need to stretch my muscles and get active taking care of our home.

I'm feeling this is going to be a year focusing on health and home. It is a focus that is well past due. I find that the clutter that so easily takes over throws life out of balance. And it's not just the clutter in the home. It's the clutter surrounding my health, as well.

Yes, clutter in the home must go. There can be no quiet of the mind in the mess of a home. There must be order. There must be balance. But, the clutter surrounding health can be overwhelming. I must learn that my body, wonderfully created by Goddess, must be treated with honor and take the steps necessary to respect that creation. That means learning proper nutrition. It's easy to fall prey to the clutter of fast food and fast times. We avoid the exercise and food our bodies need and give in to the easy way. The easy way is not the healthy way and our bodies suffer for it.

Goddess has given us, in creation, all the things we need for balance. There are fruits and vegetables, meats and grains. All are blessings from Goddess to bring us health in this life. We must move our bodies to keep them well. So many of us have jobs that are sedentary! We come home exhausted from sitting all day. We are emotionally drained from dealing with others.

It is this that draws us to meditation and mindfulness; quiet moments in nature, the Cathedral created for us. We must eat well and move our bodies to find energy for the next moment. And we must take time to get alone with Goddess and ourselves to find spiritual recharging and connection with the Divine. Without each, we falter. Our lives become unbalanced. We find no peace. We become weighed down with stress.

So, this year is a year of health and home for me; to focus on balance both in the material and the spiritual. I challenge you, as well, to take time to bring balance to these areas of your life. Hopefully, along this journey, we will be able to share with each other how our energy and spirit connection have grown and changed.

Blessed Be...

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